Five ways to celebrate summer (when you can’t go on holiday)

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It’s fair to say that it’s unlikely we’ll be travelling abroad this year and I’m so missing the excitement of having a sunny holiday to look forward to – cocktails by the pool, sandy toes, the warm air as you step of a plane… (it seems like so long since I’ve enjoyed that feeling!) Instead, I’ve been trying to remind myself of all of the reasons why I love British summertime and recreate those travel vibes at home.  Here are my five favourite summertime activities that you can enjoy without having to pack your passport (or worry about quarantining!)

001. With an evening beach walk to watch the sun set

With so many people opting for a ‘stay-cation’ in the UK this year, I’m finding that a lot of the beaches are much busier during the day, especially on days when we’re graced with warmer temperatures.  To avoid the crowds, I’ve been loving evening beach strolls with the pushchair – we’re lucky that we’re only about 25 minutes from some nice beaches, or I’ll wander along the shoreline at the Country Park near us, it’s fun that we can now spot the cruise ships coming in and out again! Whilst I’m usually not out late enough with to watch the sunset (Alba’s bedtime usually gets in the way of that!), I can’t deny that on the occasions when I do, I’m always reminded why dusk in the summer is my absolute favourite time of day.

evening beach walk

002. With travel inspired, artisan jewellery

One of my favourite things to do on holiday is to trawl around markets or artisan shops for hand-crafted goods.  I love coming home with unique trinkets that you’d never find anywhere else, and being able to relive the memories whenever you wear them.  Inspired by the designer Deniz Gurdal’s travels to Turkey, Ottoman Hands jewellery gives me all of those holiday vibes – with their jewellery hand-crafted by artisans in Istanbul, and made from gold plated brass and semi-precious stones.  Every time I wear these stunning necklaces I can just imagine myself wandering through ancient citadels or sipping a cocktail whilst gazing out over the turquoise waters of the Aegean sea.

ottoman hands cornicello coralottoman hands amalfi lapis necklaceottoman hands amalfi lapis necklace

003. With a visit to a sunny beer garden

I can’t imagine many things better than sipping an ice cold fruity cider or glass of rosé in a sunny beer garden in England in the height of summer.  I just love the atmosphere – seeing jugs of Pimms dotted around the tables, perhaps some doggies finding shade under the table, bread and olives on a wooden board to pick at, and the prospect of having nowhere else to be and nothing else to do than to while away an afternoon soaking up the sunshine.

004. With a paddleboarding adventure

We’ve only managed to get the paddleboards out a couple of times this year so far but every time we do I’m reminded of how much I love it.  It’s such a calming experience to be out there hearing the sound of the waves lapping at the shore (or the water rippling across the lake), dipping your toes in and being able to just gently paddle along and take in the sights.  I always feel great after an afternoon spent on the water, there’s something so refreshing and renewing about it (not least because it means several hours of not wanting to risk getting my phone out!)

005. With an early morning walk in the woods

When we had our recent spate of hot weather I was making sure I was walking Bodhi relatively early so he didnt get too hot (he’s got a lot of fur!) and I just love being out before everyone else and being out in nature before the rest of the world wakes up.  (Alba’s 5am internal alarm definitely helps with that!) We’re lucky that we have a lovely woodland walk right from outside the house and meadows of wildflowers as far as the eye can see.

wildflowers morning walk

What are your favourite ways to enjoy summertime in Britain?

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