When you live on an estate of new build properties it’s easy to feel that the front of your house is a little bland and character-less. For a long time we’ve wanted to paint our UPVC front door to add a bit of colour but we were unsure where to start! We didn’t know whether we needed specific materials, which colour to go for or how to find the best paint for UPVC doors. Luckily with a bit of research we managed to get everything we needed for our latest project.
I’ve always loved Lick paints and I recently discovered that they do masonry and exterior paint that’s perfect for front doors. We also got their painting and decorating kit which comes with a roller, brush and tray for easy application. After a lot of deliberation (and Pinterest browsing!) we chose the colour Red 03 as I felt it would go well with the red brick and the flowers and plants we have at the front. It’s really useful to use Pinterest or just a general Google image search to get colour inspiration – try and find similar doors to yours that have the same metal fittings and panels and then you’ll be able to clearly visualise what yours will look like.
In order to paint a UPVC door you have to start first by giving it a good clean – removing any residue, cobwebs, flies, dust etc. We then lightly sanded the front door to mean the paint was better at adhering to the surface. After a final clean to get rid of any sanding dust we then masked off the glass panels.
Really we should have used a smaller brush first to tackle the rounded mouldings around the glass but I got a bit excited and wanted to get straight in with the paintbrush! We used the roller for the larger spaces on the door and then moved to the outer edges with the brush, starting from the bottom. The door needed two coats of paint in the end.
We’re so pleased with the overall effect of the paint – the red is such a wonderful, slightly pink-y, washed out tone and it’s totally transformed the frontage of the house.
Would you paint your front door?