You may remember recently I blogged my review of the Jenny Craig diet programme after trying it for two weeks. In the first week I lost 3lbs and although I only lost a pound in the second week, I had totally re-educated myself about my food habits and learnt so much. It was such a positive experience. So I was over the moon when Jenny Craig (not the woman herself, but their PR department!) contacted me a few days after my trial ended to see if I wanted to carry on with the programme. And I definitely did! A week later I had another two weeks worth of food, meaning that today I have now been on the programme for 25 days.
My happy face at feeling healthier and slimmer! |
To be honest, I really could not be happier with the results. The scales say I’m 6lbs lighter which, of course, is brilliant, but it’s the things like not feeling exhausted at 3pm, catching sight of myself in the mirror and thinking ‘I actually look alright’ and people telling me I look happy and healthy, that really make a difference. Last weekend was the first time in ages I’ve felt confident leaving the house in what I was wearing and didn’t spend the day feeling self-conscious that I wasn’t breathing in enough, or that I looked like an egg with legs! You really can’t put a price on that feeling, and I think the photos from last weekend show how good I felt. I’ve still got weight to lose (I’m still in the overweight category in terms of my BMI) but I’m so pleased I’m on the right track.
You can find out more about Jenny Craig in my previous posts or on their website here.
They are also running an offer at the moment where you can sign up for £38.50 a week, which is great value!