Playsuit: Primark £13 | Heels: Marks and Spencer |
Just a quick post as I wanted to show off this cute playsuit I bought from Primark last week. I went in to buy a new cardigan as the dog had chewed up my favourite grey one (long story involving boyfriend forgetting to confine him to the kitchen one day last week when he went to work) and of course instead came out with two a dress, a playsuit, a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Being as I am quite the fan of scallops (the shape, not the shellfish) and Peter Pan collars I was instantly won over when I spotted it on the rails and £13 seemed very reasonable!
I have been doing more outfit posts lately as I like showing off things I’ve bought, or outfits I’ve worn and liked. I know it’s a bit of a deviation from what I’ve done before so I hope you lovely readers don’t mind.
On a final note, I want to say a massive thanks to the immensely talented Katie at Sugarpatch, who has started doing commissions for blog headers as she is absolutely brilliant at illustration. She sketched the little picture of me with my favourite camera and I am completely in love with it. Thanks Katie!