A fitness update, and a giveaway from F&F/Elle Sport

A fitness update, and a giveaway from …

It actually felt a little weird to click the ‘New post’ button on Blogger this morning.  It feels like I’ve gone back to a time many years ago when blogging was something I did at the weekends amongst several other…

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A float in a summer parade

A float in a summer parade

I have previously sung the praises of F&F and constantly find myself impressed with their latest offerings.  I found myself seriously swooning over several items in their AW14 Fashion Show (why do I have the feeling I’m going to end up…

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F&F Couples Chino Challenge

F&F Couples Chino Challenge

A couple of weeks ago I received a fun email in my inbox challenging me and Tom to a couple’s chino styling challenge (that’s quite a mouthful!) We were kindly given a £100 F&F/Tesco voucher, with the challenge being that…

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