Birthday suit

Birthday suit

Just a few quick pictures today because if you haven’t spotted from my Twitter/instagram/Facebook/Bebo/Friendster/Kik/MySpace (jokkkingggg), it’s my birthday today! I’ve been a weird mix of ridiculously excited (mainly whilst opening presents and eating cake) and then forgetting that it’s actually…

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Three outfits in denim + Fat Face Summer range

Three outfits in denim + Fat Face Summer …

I’d love to have a whole wardrobe full of pretty dresses, and feel ready to attend a tea party at any opportunity – but my life is more filled with dog walks, beach ambles, weekends away in the van and…

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£100 Fat Face goodie bag giveaway

£100 Fat Face goodie bag giveaway

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Fat Face who told me about a new campaign they’re running called ‘Life outside the 9-5’.  Their campaign is all about losing yourself in the things you do outside of the working…

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