Good Friday (and Easter chocolate treats!)

Good Friday (and Easter chocolate treats!)

Happy Good Friday! I wish I could tell you I’ve spent this beautiful, sunny, warm Good Friday wandering through fields of Spring flowers, drinking a cool cider in the sunshine or whiling away the afternoon in my garden, but instead…

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Easter baking: Chocolate eggs and Hot Cross Buns

Easter baking: Chocolate eggs and Hot Cross …

I can’t say I’ve ever properly ‘celebrated’ Easter before, other than to scoff chocolate and revel in the extra days off, but something about the ending of Lent this year has made Easter feel like more of an occasion. I…

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Mini Egg rocky road recipe

Mini Egg rocky road recipe

I was recently contacted by the baking recipe website Baking Mad to see if I wanted to submit an Easter recipe for a competition they’ll be running on their site.  My initial reaction was to worry about the diet but…

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