Anxiety, jiggy leg and what helps me

Anxiety, jiggy leg and what helps me

Hello anxiety, my old friend.  I’ve blogged a little about anxiety before, and whilst for some time now I hadn’t really suffered any symptoms, I’ve found myself becoming more and more anxious recently and some of the issues I’ve had…

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My first experience of acupuncture and cupping

My first experience of acupuncture and cupping

When I discovered that one of my oldest friends had recently qualified as an acupuncturist I was very interested in learning more about the practice.  For several months I’ve been meaning to go to her clinic to try and solve…

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I check my watch as I’m lacing up my trainers; one knee on the floor and an awkward upturn of the clock face tells me it’s 07.27.  My stomach knots with angst, a flutter of angry butterflies that tell me…

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