Easter Sunday has flown by in a flurry of creme eggs and lie ins, and I’ve now had the chance to review my list of ‘40 days for 40 days‘ that I committed to back at the beginning of March. I do always feel in a slight ‘quandary’ with challenges like these as I find it difficult to find the balance between avoiding giving myself a hard time if I don’t complete them, vs wanting to be goal-focussed and driven. It was only ever supposed to be a bit of fun, and a way to enable me to feel the benefit of achieving and completing things, rather than restricting things. I think in the balance of driven vs compassion however I might have just given myself one too many free passes, as it turns out I’ve only achieved a measly 18 of my 40 tasks, and some of them are currently ‘in progress’ but I’ve still allowed myself to tick them off. Absolute cheat.
So what have I done in the last 40 days to put a nice tick next to my list of tasks?
I’ve been for a swim, sauna and steam room – twice in fact! One at Southampton Harbour Hotel where I have membership, and one at the Spa Experience in Wimbledon with my friend Charlie. I must make more time to do this as I always feel so zen and relaxed afterwards.
I’ve started my Master Herbalist Diploma with Centre of Excellence, got a bit of the way into The Artist’s Way (which I am determined to finish), as well as dipping in and out of The Four Agreements and doing some journalling on my favourite bits.
Exercise wise I’ve been to several spin classes, a yoga class, ticked off the three-mile walk and developed a 10-min kettlebell workout for non-gym days. Sadly I didn’t make it to a Body Pump class (I have been previously but I wanted to mix up my routine) but I have been going to the gym quite consistently over the last few weeks so I’m not beating myself up too much. I also didn’t tick off the paddle-boarding or the sea swim – I went for a paddle but it’s still bloody chilly!
I found three new podcasts I love (actually, I found lots – my favourites being Cold, The Cut, The Receipts Podcast, Blackout, Over My Dead Body and Forever 35 – I won’t link as it’s easier to find them in your podcast app!) I finally finished a Netflix series (Schitt’s Creek… the BEST), I went to the theatre and saw friends I hadn’t yet this year (hooray for my much-loved Bournemouth Blogger crew!) I made an uplifting Spring Feelings playlist on Spotify (perfect for driving with the windows down) and went to several new restaurants (Little Bay in Croydon being a definite highlight). I tried some new recipes and helped friends and family members (as well as a stranger online) with something they were stuck with. I’ve noticed I ticked off fewer in the category relating to doing things for others which I’m really ashamed of. I’ll be checking back in with that list and making sure I still fulfil those aims, particularly those relating to volunteering and charity work.

The main thing that’s been happening in my world outside of this list is that I handed in my notice at work (for the Coastguard) and worked my last day, after 13 years of working there. That’s been taking up a lot of my emotional energy in winding down and finishing up work as well as preparing for my new job (which I start tomorrow!) It’s a different industry but a similar role and I’m so excited to get stuck in to new challenges and learn new things. I also move house next month – my anticipated move-in date is currently the 31 May and I should complete a couple of days’ before. I’ve bought a two-bedroom house near Burseldon/Hamble (if you’re familiar with the area!) and I can’t wait to get stuck in decorating and buying lots of plants. It’s a new build so it doesn’t need any work but I obviously want to add a lot of my own touches and make it a cosy, foliage-filled haven!
In the meantime before I move in I’ll be getting stuck into my new job and continuing with my gym routine. I’ve been following the Grace Fit Guide (she’s relaunching her products so the site is different at the moment) but on weeks when I can’t manage to do the splits of legs, arms, shoulders etc I’ve been focussing on full body workouts as well as spin classes and yoga. I’ve not been changing my diet but trying to eat more intuitively, only when I’m hungry, and having smaller portions. I’ve also been drinking a shed-load of water! It seems to be working at the moment and I’m feeling much more body confident, and stronger. There is lots to be excited about! AND I get Bodhi back in a few weeks too, which will go even further to making my new house a home. I do miss that curly face.