Here are some things I’m enjoying at the moment…
001. The ‘How To Be Amazing‘ podcast, particularly the latest episode with Brian Greene, who somehow manages to make string theory, physics, and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity really accessible, interesting, and even pretty funny in places….
002. This quote, just because. (Pretty obsessed with pinning quotes to my ‘Words’ Pinterest board right about now).
from >>
003. I want to make all of these slow cooker breakfasts. Nutella French Toast casserole? Yes please.
004. I am obsessed with the Channel 4 TV Programme ‘Not Safe For Work‘ at the moment, I’m excited that there’s another episode on tonight – it’s so real and raw and yet really funny at the same time (particularly amusing if you work in an office or in Public Sector).
005. Can I be here now please? A misty morning, a dog and a blanket – what more could you need?
from >> with grace and guts
006. This article by Luke Leighfield on how to fight internet overwhelm. So many good tips for how to switch off and tune out…
007. This article on why it matters that there’s a second blue moon this month (on Friday) makes a whoooooole lot of sense as to why I feel so in flux at the moment.
008. Jon Klassen’s artwork is so awesome, and never fails to put a smile on my face.
009. I am forever swooning over Lisette Loves’ photography lately – check out her Recipe Recap and prepare to drool and be seriously impressed at the same time (and if you make the giant cinnamon roll please can you send me some).
010. This song by Amber Run is on repeat on my Spotify currently…
What are you enjoying at the moment?