Office Makeover

This was not supposed to be today’s blog post.  Last night I sat down with my ‘to do’ pad and wrote down eight blog posts that I wanted to write over the next few days, the majority of which I planned to do today.  I got up early, had my morning green tea, and then… started moving my office around. I’d planned to move my desk from under the window over to the back wall for a few weeks, and Tom had recently put in a new cupboard for me, replacing a hideous brown one left by the previous owners.  We’d moved lots of the furniture out already to get the new cupboard in, so it seemed like an ideal time to start moving around everything else – that was, before all of a sudden it was 1pm and I was surrounded by books and boxes wondering why I’d embarked on this makeover mission! (And I didn’t write a single other blog post today!)

Tom kindly put up the Ikea picture rail I’d had under my desk for ages (waiting for a rainy day), and then had the idea of putting up a set of hooks on the wall to accomodate my satchels that had been hanging on a wardrobe door for the last few months, to make a bit more space.  My desk is so much better situated against the back wall, and I’ve managed to clear away loads of clutter so it feels like a much more inviting and inspiring space.  It might seem a little cluttered that there’s so many bookshelves and books, but I think there’s something rather nice about being surrounded by books!  I must admit, I like having a room of my own to put all of my pictures and knick knacks in.  Tom has his own room upstairs with his surfing pictures on the wall and all of his VW magazines in – the key to a happy relationship is definitely having your own rooms – ha!

// picture rail: ikea £7.90
// on picture rail: city and colour bring me your love tour poster, enid batgirl print, cutting from oh comely magazine, old postcard
// plant: ikea £3, diffuser: next £14*

//satchel: {old}, vintage smena 35mm camera, candle: ikea

IMG_4949// picture frame: paperchase, retro clock: ikea {both old}

// as above – paper map bunting: similar on etsy

// cameras: split cam, holga 135bc tlr, holga 35mm, action tracker
//satchels: leather satchel company and zatchels
// print on wall: kurt halsey frederiksen – be safe at sea
// artificial plant and diffuser as above

// all as above, plastic crates, ikea

// all as above, bearded man print – ella masters


It’s not quite as lovely as the offices on my Offices Pinterest board, but it’s definitely getting there! It will be a lovely place to while away a chilly evening, blogging and blog reading with a mug of tea. Do you have an office or a favourite room to hide away in at home?

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