Autumn has somehow ended up well in the realm of ‘blogger loves’ – along with the obligatory cupcakes, fresh flowers and macarons, my instagram and twitter feeds are currently full of bloggers getting wistful about the arrival of Autumn. But definitely for good reason I believe – living on the edge of the New Forest, I can’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy when I see the leaves change colour, and have an excuse to get out in the woods and stomp around in my wellies.
I’ve made a little list of all of the things that are a must do for me during my favourite season. I’ve also become a little bit obsessed with creating the ultimate Autumn Pinterest board. I love using Pinterest for inspiration, I can get lost for hours just finding recipes, DIYs and pretty photos!
img credit:
Here’s what’s on my must-do list this Autumn….
Have a movie night with homemade popcorn.
Go for a roast dinner in a pub in the forest – roaring open fire is a must
Collect conkers and create an Autumnal centerpiece for the dining table
Go for a bike ride in the forest and take a flask of hot chocolate
Stock up on Christmas Yankee candles
Go to Burley Cider Pantry and try their home-brewed draught cider
Go for a run in the forest and try out my new trail running shoes
Make the ultimate Autumn Spotify playlist
Make at least three recipes from Jamie’s Comfort Food – the Insanity Burger is already bookmarked!
Master some more slow cooker recipes
Buy a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch
Go to a Fireworks Display (there’s one at a local pub with a hogroast and bands playing in the barn – I’m in!)
Make an ‘Autumn Berry Pavlova’ – there was a recipe in last week’s Grazia from Ruby Tandoh (GBBO lady and author of Crumb) that sounded amazing!
Raid Lush for their Halloween and Christmas bath bombs and soaps
Spend a rainy day doing some scrapbooking
Find the perfect pair of Chelsea boots
Make a batch of warming soup for a week at work
Spend as many evenings as possible snuggled under a blanket with a good book
Make mulled wine
Get up early one weekend and photograph sunrise in the forest
Have a fire in the garden and toast marshmallows
Make some more sourdough bread to eat warm with cheese from the deli (perfect Sunday tea)
Start planning homemade Christmas presents
Treat myself to some new slippers
img credit: weheartit
What’s on your Autumn bucket list? Send me your ideas so that I can add them to my list!