I realise that yesterday’s post was a list of things that make me smile, and so writing one of my ‘Happy Days’ posts in quick succession might rather be overdoing the positivity – but as it’s pouring with rain outside and we’ve come home from our intended few days away camping because of the crappy weather I thought it might cheer me up to reflect on the things I am thankful for rather than dwelling on the gloomy skies. Starting with a snap I took last week, oh sunshine… where have you gone?
001. Blue skies and sunshine. Last week, it lifted my mood so much to be able to open all the windows, let the fresh air in and and enjoy the sounds of birds singing outside in the mornings. Hopefully this spate of rain is just a glitch and we can get on with enjoying Spring!
002. Beautifully wrapped packages (from Urban Graphic Shop – review coming soon).
003. Swapping clothes with other bloggers at an event organised by the lovely Hannah.
004. Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse – kindly sent to me by Farmaline (£29.69*) – I have been constantly covering myself in this lately, not only does it smell absolutely amazing, it makes my skin look shimmer-y, soft and smooth. A total wonder product.
005. Climbing trees with friends – featuring Sarah, Katy and Char. It also makes me very happy to spend time with other bloggers, but not call it a ‘blogger weekender’ or feel the need to think up a hashtag, because actually, it’s just a rad weekend with your mates.
006. Making the ultimate sausage sandwich. Sourdough bread, organic sausages, caramelised onions, NOM.
007. Bodhi getting an amazing present in the post in the form of a nautical striped dog bed from Dunelm Mill (Hamptons Collection Dog Bed, £19.99*). He has barely spent any time out of it since we got it so his glum face when I took his picture really made me laugh. Cheer up Bodhi! I am definitely buying this cute treat jar next time I’m in Dunelm Mill, I know that will put a smile on his face!
007. My Pinterest addiction is showing no signs of waning. This quote I found really resonated with me when I read it, especially as I’d just read an article about Arianna Huffington’s new book ‘Thrive’, which is about focussing on your wellbeing – slowing down, getting more sleep, meditating and disconnecting from our devices. She recommends switching your mobile phone off every night for the hour before you go to bed. I wonder if I could manage that, it sounds like a really nice idea and I hate my habit of scrolling through Twitter in bed! I am definitely taking note of this advice.
What’s been making you happy this week? What are the little things that you are thankful for?