November has been pretty awesome. Some highlights have been viewing wedding venues, a day in London with Sarah and Char, some cosy nights in, walks on the beach and getting stuck into Christmas shopping and wrapping. Last year my November photos folder had 310 photos in it, this month it has over 1000, so it’s fair to say it’s been a busy month. Here’s my roundup of my favourite things, links and blogs from last month.
enjoying warming drinks like mulled wine and peanut hottie
realising that people who I’ve met through blogging now form some of my closest friendships
sunday evenings spent blog reading
long baths with christmas lush bath bombs
receiving amazing blogger book swap parcels from jess and hollie
nothing good gets away – a letter from john steinbeck
this news story about some cheeky French teenagers
cate’s post on sneaky ways to celebrate christmas {posted a few weeks ago!}
Rosie’s recipe and beautiful photos of her Christmas hamper peppermint creams
might have done a little cry at the duet between katy perry and a girl with autism
img credit: ciderwithrosie |
the tea drinking english rose // lisette loves // love audrey // I want you to know // queenie and the dew
What have been your favourite things in November? Do leave your favourite blog links too as I’m looking forward to catching up on some blog reading this weekend and I’d love to find some new favourites.