I think you could all hazard a pretty educated guess at the ingredients of my perfect evening. Cosy slippers, comfy onesie, a good book or magazine, a long bath filled with some yummy smelling Lush treats, a delicious dinner and a glass of something sparkling. Sure, I may not be the biggest party animal (that fact is quite clear) or have a diary back to back with social engagements (though my diary is always fairly full!) but I know what I like, and what I like is my home comforts. For me, although I absolutely love seeing friends and going out, there is also nothing better than finding a free evening nestled amongst a busy week, when you know that you can get home, climb into your pajamas and have some proper ‘me time’. To be honest, I think it’s good for the soul, and I try, at least once a week, to have an evening of complete laziness and relaxation. Sometimes I read, sometimes I have a bit of pampering (face mask, manicure, that sort of thing), and sometimes I catch up on blog reading or blog writing (though more often than not my proper nights in involve switching the computer off and doing something sofa or bed based. Sometimes I need some time away from the computer!).
I was recently contacted about the new onesies from New Look and offered my own onesie as well as a little ‘night in pack’ with some lovely herbal teas, Company magazine and a face mask. I picked this amazing Hudson and Rose onesie (£24.99*) and settled in for a night of complete relaxation last week. The hoodie is absolutely amazing, fits really well (no crotch hanging somewhere around my knees or having to roll the legs up) and even has a fleece-y hood so I was in snuggly heaven. I popped on my Primark slipper boots and settled down with my magazine.
And a cheeky bowl of sweets! The new Drumstick Squashies keep sneaking into my basket at the supermarket at the moment, they are amazing!
Luckily I didn’t spoil my dinner as Tom whipped up something rather yummy – ‘healthy’ fish and chips with baked cod and homemade chips and tartare sauce (recipe here). It was absolutely delicious, I will be egging him on to make it again soon!
And of course no perfect night in is complete without some puppy cuddles!
What would be the ingredients for your perfect night in?