I think we’d all agree that when you’re going through one of those phases where you hate all the clothes you own and think everyone else always looks nicer than you that the only thing for it is to buy lots of new things. (Superficial, moi?)
My first port of call on the realisation that I’m due a little splurge is always ASOS. I went into Bournemouth on Saturday and nothing I found in Primark, H&M or Topshop was as nice as any of the things on my very long ‘saved items’ list on there. It seemed silly wasting money on things I didn’t need (though I still did manage to spend £60 in Primark on Christmas jumpers, tights, pants and other necessities – yes I filed ‘Christmas jumper’ under ‘necessities’) when I have a huge wishlist of things I love online. Here’s what I’m currrently coveting from ASOS.
I’m definitely currently lusting after oversized t-shirts, coatigans, smock dresses and shift dresses. I have a super-busy November planned so I want to be comfy but look nice (obvs), something I’m not nailing at the moment and I need an injection of newness to make me feel a bit more inspired when getting dressed in the morning. I’m thinking of cutting my hair too – I really feel like I need a change at the moment!
What’s on your wishlist this month?