What matters most

Being something of a worrier as well as someone whose mind runs away with them sometimes, I often muse on the things that I’d grab if my house was burning down, or the things I’d miss if (god forbid) I was burgled. I am that person who sees a fire engine or ambulance when I’m on my way home and doesn’t relax until I see them drive past my house or go down a different road.  I constantly wake up when I hear noises in the house or outside, and spend my journeys to work wondering if I’ve left the gas on or that a phone charger or light might spontaneously combust (my brother told me off a couple of weekends ago for having fairy lights and other artificial lights that are constantly left on).  My curiosity about what matters most to others means I’m constantly looking on the website ‘The Burning House‘ and seeing what others would grab – they say it’s a conflict between what’s practical, valuable and sentimental.  I must admit I would lean towards the last one, I’m impressed by those people who’ve thought of taking a pair of particularly comfortable shoes, or a flashlight, but I must admit I’d be that person sat on my front lawn in my pajamas, surrounded by teddies and letters and struck by the sudden thought that my car keys are still hanging on the key rack.

With that in mind I thought I’d share with you my own personal ‘burning house’ list.  The reason I’m doing this today is that John Lewis have an amazing new TV advert (it’s so clever, I love it) to highlight their new ‘What matters most‘ campaign.  They’re also running a competition to coincide with their TV advert.   All you have to do is create a Vine around something that matters to you and you could win a Canon SLR each week, or the grand prize of a £1000 John Lewis voucher.  (My mind is now similarly running away with me considering what I’d buy with a £1000 John Lewis voucher!)

So here is my ‘burning house’ list – or the list of things that matter most to me in my house. (Of course Tom would be on the list too!)

burning house list

And here is my Vine video…

In case you’re interested in what’s on the list, in that assortment is:

  • Bodhi the dog, of course!
  • Filofax
  • Running shoes (took ages to break in, don’t want to be doing that again!)
  • Memory photobooks
  • Kindle Fire
  • Medal for running National Lottery Run, another medal for working during the Olympics
  • External Hard Drive (my life is on here!)
  • Doggy, my childhood toy (29 years old!)
  • Teddy, another childhood toy from a few years later
  • Some of my Gran’s jewellery
  • My Michael Kors watch
  • My Lomo LC-A
  • My handbag savings fund – don’t want that going to waste!

What would be on your list? Don’t forget to check out the site and make your own Vine to be in with a chance of winning!

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