Carex Hands on Awards

Last week I was contacted by Carex to let me know about a fun competition they’re having for their 20th birthday.  As part of their birthday celebrations they want to spend ‘a day in your hands’ – and are looking for words, photos, or videos to show off what your hands go through on a typical day.  Their favourite 20 entries will win £500 worth of Red Letter Day vouchers as well as a year’s supply of Carex.  You could put your vouchers towards a hotel escape, a spa weekend, or something more exciting like a powerboat or driving experience (spa all the way for me!)

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Since us bloggers are such enthusiastic photographers, writers and video-makers they thought that their competition would be right up your street and have asked me to share the competition with my lovely readers.  I think I might give it an enter myself, especially now I’ve already picked what I’d choose if I won!

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I think it’s fun to think about all of the things your hands go through in a typical day.  It makes you realise why you need handwash and hand cream, those things work hard! Here are some things my hands get up to:

[+] Giving Bodhi lots of cuddles and strokes
[+] Fumbling in my handbag (usually thinking I’ve lost my phone when I haven’t)
[+] Scrolling through Twitter on my phone
[+] Pressing the shutter on my camera
[+] Turning pages in my book
[+] Flicking pages on my Kindle
[+] Tapping away at the keyboard – blogging or working
[+] Jujjing my hair
[+] Applying make-up
[+] Cupping mugs of green tea
[+] Cooking dinner – slicing, chopping and stirring
[+] Pushing toast into the toaster
[+] Carrying my satchel and my lunchbag
[+] Driving
[+] Counting the lack of money in my purse
[+] Opening letters
[+] Scribbling to-do lists

Wow, hands are busy things! What would be on your list?

If you’d like to enter the Carex competition, visit the Hands on Awards Competition Page.

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