It feels like about a million years ago since I took these photos, on Mother’s Day. My life feels like a constant rollercoaster of either lulling, slow moments – weeks of quiet times, books and early nights, and then weeks of whipping around, not having time to breathe or reflect; long days at work, evening commitments, endless to-do lists and late nights. Even reading that sentence back makes me feel tired. I’ve spoken a lot about stress and pressure in my life so I’m not going to labour the topic again except to say please excuse the fact that I’m posting these photos a while after the day itself. This weekend I went away to a National Trust cottage to stay with 11 other bloggers and eat lots of cake and not having internet or phone signal was both blissful and slightly alarming at the same time! It really was a lovely weekend and I’ll be posting some photos this week. It was a four hour drive back from Derby this afternoon which has knackered both me and the dog (who was kindly also invited!) and so after posting this I’ll be taking myself off to bed with a stack of magazines (please don’t look at the timestamp on this post and judge me!)
So yes… back to the photos. On Mother’s Day I went back to my parents’ and treated my Mum to the opportunity to cook me lunch. Only kidding, I got her a card and a bracelet too! You may not know but I was born in Cornwall and we lived there until I was 7. In that time, amongst other things, my Mum learned how to make the perfect pasty, and she kindly whipped up a huge batch and served them with wine (ale for the boys) and lashings of Tommy K.
Of course I couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to squeeze in a few cuddles with Henry, their schnoodle puppy. Bodhi is still utterly overexcited to be around Henry, to the point where they both did excited little wees when they saw each other (my Mum is going through kitchen roll like nobody’s business).
I thought I’d take a quick snap of my outfit. It’s not very exciting as I was having a slouchy day that day but the last couple of outfit posts I’ve done have been outfits I’d wear out on a night out, or when the weather warms up so I thought I’d share something I actually wore. I bought the trousers from Matalan (they were £5 in the sale!) and I’ve struggled with what to wear them with. I think they are o-kay with this breton top but if you have any better ideas please share them!
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hat: missguided [sold out] | breton tee: h&m[old]cardigan: matalan | necklace: bohemian collective trousers: matalan | shoes: flat shoes by betty london |
Well, now it’s time to bid you adieu, glance guiltily around at all the unpacking, washing and ironing I should do and hide under the duvet and pretend it’s not there. Hope you’ve all had lovely weekends and not too shabby Mondays,
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