Happy Saturday wonderful people of the internet! I hope you’re having a good one so far, and since I am writing this at 9am I guess that means I hope it has been filled with lots of duvet time and maybe a good book. And tea, always tea. Why do bloggers love tea so much eh?
I actually woke up feeling slightly wobbly; it was book club last night and we went to a cool bar/restaurant called Ludo Lounge in Southbourne. These days I cannot even drink a glass of wine without feeling rotten in the morning and so I paid for my large glass of rosé in more ways than one. A short while ago Tom delivered to my desk in the study a bacon and cheese croissant, which, teamed with the peach and cherry blossom green tea I already had on the go has made me feel much better.
This weekend will be somewhat bittersweet as we’re going down to Weymouth to spend it with Tom’s family and will also be visiting some friends, but part of the reason we are visiting is that it is Tom’s Gran’s funeral on Monday. Obviously I’ll be away from the internet for a few days but I’m going to try and schedule my weekly wishlist and #50commentchallenge faveourites before we leave this morning. I know it’s not necessary but I like to keep the blog ticking over whilst I’m away.
I’ve blogged about a few different bits this week but I thought I’d share some day-to-day details via a bit of instaspamming…
1. Tom and I try and do date night every week on a Wednesday or a Thursday. We’ve started taking it in turns to plan what we do and this week was Tom’s turn. We went bowling (I won one game and Tom won the other so we both went home with egos intact), played air hockey and managed to resist buying slush puppies.
2. Do you remember photos of my Mum’s schnoodle puppy Henry from a couple of weeks ago? He is getting big now! I think he will end up being bigger than Bodhi!
3. New New Balance kicks – they are a teeny bit small though, does anyone know if they stretch? My toes went numb when I first wore them!
4. This was ‘between straighteners’ when I was basically cringing at what my hair looked like every day.
5. One of my favourite dinners – Secret Greens Tabbouleh – basically lots of kale and quinoa, yum.
6. Not quite so healthy – my ‘two at a time’ Egg n Spoon habit…
7. Two new books – started reading Gone Girl for Book Club and it’s really good so far!
8. Blood Orange Crème Brûlée from Sainsbury’s.
9. A little nail painting session – Bodhi decided to try and eat the Alessandro Nail Polish (second from left) so the bottle is looking a bit worse for wear.
10. Daffodils make me feel happy.
11. Finally, new Cloud Nine straighteners! They are really good so far, so nice to have straight hair again!
12. A Poole Pottery sampler I bought on eBay – ‘Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday’
13. I colour-coordinated my bookshelves.
14. A very chilly morning dog walk…
15. … but a pretty sunrise to make up for it.
16. I am getting a bit addicted to falafel and cous cous – one of my lunches last week.
Hope you all have lovely weekends, also hoping for a bit of sunshine, it is Spring now after all!
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