As you probably all know by now I’m a huge fan of Fat Face. Our family Christmasses seem to be sponsored by Fat Face with lots of scarves, slippers and gift vouchers being uncovered from under wrapping paper and hiding in cards. The lovely Carly from Fat Face got in touch with me recently to tell me about an amazing competition they are currently running, as well as kindly offering one of my readers the chance to win a £100 Fat Face gift card! Read on cosy clothes lovers…
Despite my suggestions to Carly that they just give the prize to me instead of opening it up to everyone, their current competition is now open until the 16th December and boasts an amazing prize! You can win a holiday for two to Ski, BC, Canada, along with a £500 gift card! Wowzers. You can enter the winter holiday competition here (bagsy take me if you win!)
On top of that, they’re also offering other opportunities to win fab prizes via their Facebook page. By submitting photos of your winter adventures/experiences you could be in with the chance of bagging some amazing Fat Face gifts, every week. You can find out more on their Facebook page.
As I mentioned above, Fat Face have also generously given me a £100 gift card to give away to one of my readers. You could use it to get some Christmas prezzies for friends and family, or snap yourself up some cosy slippers, pajamas or knitwear. All you have to do is upload a photo of your winter adventure on the Fat Face Facebook page, then come back and tell me about your adventure in the comments below. Simple! Upload your snap, and then comment below and tell me a little bit about the photo you’ve uploaded – what was your winter adventure? If you enter their mega competition too that’s three chances to win some awesome treats!
I’ll pick a winner at random on the 20th November so you’ve got lots of time to tell me about your winter adventures – or even have an adventure and then tell me about it! Oh, and you won’t get any extra points for tweeting about it (sorry!) but if you’d like to tell your friends about the competition do make sure you @ me in, just so I can give you some mental ‘you’re awesome’ points instead. Make sure you leave your email address so I can let you know if you win.
Good luck!