Sea air makes sleeping incredibly sweet

I feel like I have so much to blog about at the moment (as well as my drives home from work generating some new ideas for features and posts!), but not enough time to do it! The reason for all the busy-ness is that we are currently decorating our spare room.  So what? I hear you say.  Just pick up a paintbrush now and then in between lolling on the sofa – it won’t take too long will it? Unfortunately, it is not that simple – firstly because our spare room currently looks like this:

And secondly because my friend is coming to stay with us on Sunday for the two weeks in between her leaving her flat and moving to America at the beginning of September. Eek.  Did I mention that I had this crazy idea that we’d pull up the carpet and sand and paint the floorboards that are lying beneath the lovely beige carpet? Our house was clearly decorated in the 70’s and then basically left ever since so is full of such treats as pine cladding, textured wallpaper and – the remnants of which you can see in this room – a whole furniture suite with wardrobes, chests of drawers and overhead cupboards all attached to each other.  Nice.

In my spare time between painting and trying to sort out all the assorted junk that has been sat in the room since we moved in (about 10 boxes of the stuff – thank god we have a loft) I have been furiously pinning inspiration for the room.  I am thinking very ‘chilled’ – all white and lots of beach-themed bits, a little like these:

I just looked again at the top photo and got an instant stress headache.

Despite the busy-ness, I am committed to keeping some of the regular features on my blog going (check out Jennie’s absolutely lovely interview for my Cheer Up Tuesday feature in the post below).  Also here are the blogs I’ve been having a nose at this week!

  • Blogger and careers columnist Penelope Trunk wrote an interesting post this week called ‘Blueprint for a Woman’s Life‘ which gives advice to women on what to do in life, and when.  It’s definitely worth a read – would love to know what you guys think!
  • The lovely Victoria at Lily Loves Lola shared her photographs of a recent visit to Padstow and made me all nostalgic for my birth county of Cornwall again!
  • I recently discovered Donna’s Deer Donna blog – not only is her blog an awesome read but she is having a ‘blog party’ at the moment where she features lots of crafty bloggers along with giveaways of some of their cute creations!
  • I have also recently become a little bit addicted to Kendi’s ‘Kendi Everyday‘ blog.  Not only are her outfits abso-frickin gorgeous but her writing style never fails to make me smile.
  • As someone who is always looking for new ideas for lunches to take to work I loved Sofia’s post where she photographed five days of lunches.  (Now just need to stop myself being too lazy to make myself packed lunches!)
  • On a final note, I mentioned at the SW Bloggers Meet that my Mum had a blog recently, and some people were intrigued (or just being very polite!). Her blog is here and is usually full of the sorts of furniture makeovers and interior design gorgeousness I can only dream of one day being able to achieve.  Go Mum!