As you will all probably know, as it’s all I’ve been banging on about for the last few months, this weekend is my last weekend in the flat before I move house on Tuesday. The flat is now strewn with packing materials and boxes and I’ve been furiously sorting through things to keep and things to throw away. Before I worked in my current job I worked for the photography store Jessops, and as a result, I’ve amassed boxes and boxes full of negatives, photographs and photo discs, most of which I sorted through this morning. Because this move will bring me to a new chapter in my life it felt quite poignant and apt to be looking through images of previous chapters – old friends, old boyfriends, previous places I’ve lived. I even pulled out some photos of the first flat I bought and remembered how I felt on that first day of moving in; like I had something that was all mine; that feeling of true independence and ownership.
image from weheartit |
If someone had told me a year ago that this time this year I would have just bought a house with the most lovely, kind person I have ever met, I just would have laughed. I would have laughed because firstly, a year? To meet someone, fall in love, and buy your first house? I don’t think so. Secondly because this wasn’t at all what I was looking for. I was happy with my independence and my priority was to do well at work and pursue my career. I guess it’s true what they say that you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it. Anyway, enough gush – I guess I just feel thoughtful and nostalgic, and at the same time, so impossibly excited for our new home.
from pretty zoo |
I decided to have a break from packing earlier and do some photoshopping as I love the idea of having some new address cards to send out, I did the first and wasn’t sure about it so I did the second for a bit of a laugh and funnily enough I quite like it, it looks just like me and Tom!
On a final note, I was a bit naughty today and bought a dress online from Dorothy Perkins. I had spied it in Glamour magazine and loved it, so when the lovely Sarah from A Million Dresses announced today that DP were having a 30% off dresses sale, and that their 20% off code still worked (DPGLAM20) I couldn’t resist picking it up – especially for a bargainous £28. Perfect for all those garden parties I’ll be holding in the summer!
Hope you’re all having lovely weekends!