Slacking off

I have been really naughty this week and left it an entire week without blogging.  I do find that the paradox of the blog is that the busier you are, the more things you have to write about but when do you find the time to do it? Having said that, trying to get into a routine of blogging has meant I am taking lots of pictures so I have some snaps to put up here, which is great as it improves my photography and also is nice to have a record of what I’ve been doing all week.

This week started off with a dinner with some friends and the other half – my friend cooked us a delicious roast dinner and it was my responsibility to bring dessert so I made an easy peasy Eton Mess – my favourite! 

Eton Mess

On Tuesday and Wednesday I spent a bit of time with the other half; we went for dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant where I ate an amazing pizza (goat’s cheese and caramelised onions!) as well as having a mooch around the shops in West Quay.  I really wanted to get some things for myself but we ended up getting some things for Tom instead.  Tom’s usual style is a surf brand t-shirt and some baggy-ish jeans but I’m currently trying to open him up to considering wearing some other styles and cuts.  I coerced him into buying some v-neck knitted jumpers, chinos and polo shirts.  I’m still working on the espadrilles and cardigans; I think I have some way to go with these!

On Thursday I travelled up to London to coordinate media for a maritime exercise.  After getting very lost and going to the wrong venue I managed to find the correct location and helped some TV crews and photographers get the right pictures and interviews.  It was a long night, and very cold, but it was such a beautiful, clear evening and at a rather picturesque location – as you can see below!

The rest of the week involved more eating out, a missed wedding reception due to an excruciating trapped nerve in my back, a haircut and a big congratulations to my other half’s sister who gave birth to a beautiful little baby boy called Milo.  Milo was born a few weeks early so he is still in the Special Care Baby Unit at the moment but we’re excited to meeting him when he comes home.

I began reading about successful blogging the other day and was reading some tips on how to get a higher readership and gain more followers.  The most recurrent recommendation was that you have a common theme for blogs so that readers with similar interests will follow.  I have a bit of trouble with this as, although I have a lot of hobbies and interests, I don’t want to just focus on one.  I had hoped just to write a bit about cooking, baking, photography and fashion but should I just focus on one of these? Is it even interesting for people just to read about what I’ve been up to? This is what I’m not sure about.  I am enjoying the challenge of trying to get out and do more so that I have something worth writing about, and I bought three rolls of film yesterday so I can get my film cameras out and about and start putting up some snaps from these.  One thing I have seen around the blogosphere a lot is outfit posts so I thought I would try one of these too;

This is me all ready for work in a dress from Primark and Zara cardigan.  My hair has all been chopped now and is very short… I will save that for another post!

How about you – what do you like writing and reading about? Do you think it’s better just to stick to one theme?