Which beauty box should I subscribe to?

Which beauty box should I subscribe to?

Being someone who gets quite excited about anything that’s a little bit ‘gimmick-y’, coupled with the fact that I love receiving anything through the post, beauty boxes were something that was sure to hook me in.  Having a box of…

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Emotional online shopping

Emotional online shopping

For a long time I have been interested in the psychology behind shopping.  In my life I have seen groups of people aggressively hammering on a shop front door to be let into a boxing day sale.   I have…

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Boudoir Prive, Glossybox, and PR DOs and DON’Ts

Boudoir Prive, Glossybox, and PR DOs and …

Working in a PR office myself (albeit one for an emergency service, not a beauty brand), I find the world of Marketing and PR an interesting one, and love seeing how new companies stir up an appetite for their brand,…

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