Bathtime yoga

Bathtime yoga

When I look back through my gratitude journal, the one thing I notice above everything is that the days when I’ve taken time to do yoga, or have even ten minutes spent meditating, make a massive positive difference. I always…

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A bathroom update

A bathroom update

Our bathroom has been a bugbear of ours ever since we moved in.  With peach walls, more cladding than a Swedish ski lodge, mildew that had grown its own mildew and fixtures and fittings straight out of the 1970s (literally,…

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Our big fat list of things to save for

Our big fat list of things to …

I had to have a little chuckle to myself when Tom and I were chatting the other day about going away in the van (Tom has a VW T5 Transporter) this year, and he explained that he’d really like to…

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